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SFSU MA TESOL presents
May 5, 2017
Shifting Perspectives in language, identity, and cognition

Spring 2017 Graduate Student Conference
Friday, May 5, 2017
San Francisco State University
Hosted by the SF State MATESOL Student Association in collaboration with the
University of San Francisco and the Bay Area Chapter of CATESOL
Shifting Perspectives in language, identity, and cognition
Friday, May 5th, 2017
San Francisco State University, Humanities Building
Schedule Overview
11:00am Registration (outside HUM 587)
11:00 - 12:15 Networking Brunch & Book Sale (HUM 587)
12:30 - 3:15 Concurrent Sessions (HUM 127, 386, 485)
Click PDF link (right) to view schedule
3:15 - 4:30 Reception, Certificate Ceremony & Prize Drawing (HUM 587)
6:30 - 9:00 Graduation Dinner (see Evite for more information)
There is no charge to attend this conference. You are welcome to donate $5.00 to help offset the conference expenses. You can donate online via PayPal (right), or via Square on the day of the conference.
You can also donate funds by supporting our prize drawing on the day of the conference. Win gift certificates, kitchen goodies, wine, textbooks, and more!
To view abstracts, click on a presentation title.

Alexander Lenarsky
Alexander Lenarsky, a French and Linguistics undergraduate student at San Francisco State University, has researched prenominal adjective ordering and the language positivity bias with the Corpus, Experimental, and Computational Linguistics Lab, alongside Professor Anastasia Smirnova. His independent research uses queer theory to explain how gay men employ sexting as a method of resistance.

Guy Brown
Guy Brown is completing his M.A. in Linguistics at San Francisco State University. He received a B.A. in Religion from Oberlin College and was an English Instructor at the Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies Gajah Madah University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 2006-2008. His research interests include cognitive linguistics, political discourse, and Southeast Asian languages.

Hannah Lee
Hannah Lee will be graduating from San Francisco State University in May 2017 with a M.A. TESOL and a certificate in Teaching Composition. She received her B.A. in East Asian Studies in 2014 from the University of California, Los Angeles. She is interested in teaching academic English at the university level. More specifically, her work examines the development of one’s L2 writer identity through critical pedagogy.

Helena Laranetto
Helena Laranetto is an MA in linguistics and research assistant at SFSU. Her research interests are in cognitive linguistics and critical discourse analysis with a particular focus on legitimization discourses in government. She co-authored an article with Dr. Anastasia Smirnova on ideology in media discourse that will be published in Discourse & Communication 11(3).

Jasmine Hsu
Jasmine Hsu is currently working on her master’s degree in Linguistics at San Francisco State University. She has taught Mandarin in the U.S. since 2011. Her major research interests are codeswitching and linguistic typology in second language acquisition, which are the topics of her forthcoming MA final papers.

Jasmine Mally
Jasmine graduated with a BA in Spanish from Southern Oregon University in 2011. After getting her CELTA, she taught English in northern Peru then moved on to teach English in Bogota, Colombia until 2015. She then enrolled in SJSU's MA TESOL program and is a candidate to graduate this spring.

Matthew Muñoz
Matthew Muñoz is currently a teaching assistant in the Composition for Multilingual Students program at San Francisco State University where he will receive his master’s degree in TESOL in the Spring of 2017. He received his B.A. in Spanish from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2013. His major teaching interests include supporting learner identity within the classroom as well as promoting intercultural communicative competence through various medias.

Nora Mitchell
Nora Mitchell is a TESOL instructor with a background in high-tech marketing and non-profit management. She teaches at ILSC, an intensive English school, and Business English privately, www.englishwithnora.com. She has a BA from UC Berkeley, a TESL certificate from UC Berkeley Extension and is finishing her MA TESOL at USF.

Pedro Ramos
Pedro Ramos is a graduate student in Linguistics at San Francisco State University. He has been selected as a CSU Sally Casa Nova Scholar and is a past recipient of SF State's Equity Fellowship. His major research interests include Romance linguistics, language acquisition, and potential applications of linguistics in ESL education.

Ricardo Romero Sanchez
Ricardo Romero Sanchez is a Linguistics graduate student at SFSU. He has worked on prenominal adjective ordering in the Corpus, Experimental and Computational Linguistics Lab led by Professor Anastasia Smirnova. He has taught English and Spanish since 2008. His main interests are SLA, speech processing and machine learning.

Sarah Parsons
Sarah Parsons is a dedicated ESL instructor and coordinator who utilizes her teaching, interpersonal, and foreign language skills to work locally and globally. Sarah has been teaching since 2011, holds multiple teaching certificates, a Bachelors degree from SFSU, and is a MA TESOL candidate at the University of San Francisco.

Stephanie Lam
Stephanie Lam is a graduate student in the MA TESOL program at SJSU. In 2014 she completed her B.A. in Chinese, Portuguese minor, and TESOL Certificate at SJSU. Identity/SLA and native/nonnative speaker issues top the list of her growing interests in the field. She hopes to teach abroad after graduation.

Wilson Miller
Wilson Miller will complete his M.A. in Linguistics and a certificate in Composition at San Francisco State University in 2017. He finished his B.A. in English education at Humboldt State University in 2015. In future teaching and research, Wilson aims to synthesize Composition and Linguistics theories for writers and writing pedagogy.